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Up Against The Giant | Back To The Basics

This Wednesday, we're going back to the basics and diving into the story of David and Goliath.

I'm guessing most of you already know this story but, if not, you can go ahead and find the story of David facing the giant in 1 Samuel 17.

I personally really like the fact that, when David defeated Goliath, he was still young. We don't know how young he was exactly but we do know that he was less than twenty years old. I like to imagine he was around fifteen or sixteen (maybe seventeen). The first thing I want to say is this... We all have Giants in our lives. We all face different kinds of giants at some point in our life. Weather it be a giant problem, a giant decision, a giant bully, a giant heartache, a giant diversion, a giant plot-hole in your biggest dream... But we have the ability to go up against whatever giant is in our way and take it down. David was a nobody, really. He was the youngest in his family, not old enough to fight. He was just a Shepard boy -- always overlooked by people. In Samuel 16 (before he went up against the giant), God wanted one of Jesse's sons to be King. Jesse showed off all of his boys except one -- David. He didn't even consider David. The young Shepard boy was being overlooked When Jesse sent David out to go bring food to his brothers out on the battlefield, David saw that all the Isrilites were scared to fight Goliath. So David, himself, volunteered to take the giant on. When David made this proposal, his eldest brother got mad at him for even coming to the battlefield and accused him of having a wicked heart and only coming down to watch the battle. David answered by saying "What have I done? Can I even speak?" Once again, young David was being overlooked. I really like this part because it really is very much like siblings in today's day. So David was a nobody...just a Shepard boy, the youngest brother, not qualified...nobody. But David didn't let it get to him. He was determined to go up against this giant and represent the Israelites in this battle. The next thing I'd like to point out is the fact that when David went to get ready to fight Goliath, Saul tried to dress him up in all kinds of clothes and protection to fight in. But David refused. He took off the things that Saul gave to him and went down to the lake and picked out five smooth stones and put them in his slingshot. When you're up against the giant in your life -- be yourself. You don't need to be the smartest, or oldest, or strongest, or prettiest, or most popular, or most experienced. "You just be you...and God will take care of the rest" -Mom's Night Out Movie David took out the giant with a simple sling and a stone. And he did it in the name of God. he was confident that it didn't matter how big the giant was, God was bigger. Everyone was amazed that David was able to kill the giant...with one stone from his slingshot. Especially because he was just David -- just the little Shepard boy. But he was hero from then on. He didn't need strength, he didn't need to be popular or old enough or qualified... You are stronger than they think. And you are stronger than you think. So grab your sling and grab your stone and stand confident -- you got this! Now, I would love to hear from you!

  • Is there a giant that God helped you to defeat in your past?

  • What is one thing you do to be yourself that sets you apart from others?

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