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What Does It Mean To Cast Your Anxieties?

I'm a human. You're a human. Your best friend is a human. And what do humans do? Well...we worry.

What can I say? It's just natural.

But just because it's a seemingly natural trait of almost every human...doesn't mean it can't be prevented.

While anxiety is something that a person can be diagnosed with, it's also something that we as girls just tend to get when we're worried about something. Weather that be an upcoming test, the safety of your family, events around the world, or just simply what others think about you.

I know I sometimes get anxiety in a big crowd or when I'm under stress.

In 1 Peter, we're told to cast our Anxieties on the LORD because He cares for us.

The first thing I'd like to point out is that it says "He cares for us".

Now, we already know that He loves us so we know He cares about us. But now we're told that He cares for us. It's just like when you were little and you'd get sick and your mom would care for you (you know, things like giving you medicine and making you soup and tea...things like that.)

So when it says that He cares for us, it's the same as saying He takes care of us.

We have no reason to worry because He takes care of us.

When we have the Creator of the world -- the Lover of our souls -- taking care of us...why are we still hanging on to anxiety?

God knows we're going to worry and he knows that sometimes we question our courage. He knows that when we try to handle it all on our own...we're going to have a breakdown. That's why He wants us to cast our cares on Him.

But what does it mean to cast our anxieties on God?

Although, sometimes we can't help but worry, we need to bring those worries to God. Talk to God. Tell Him what's going on and what your anxious about.

  • It will calm you down.

  • It will give you courage to keep going.

  • It will help you feel like you not alone.

  • It will lift some weight of your shoulders.

Something else you can do is sort of a representational thing:

Write out all of your worries on a piece of paper and fold it really small. Next, pray with the piece of folded paper in your hand. Tell God about all the things you wrote down and then tell Him that you're giving these cares to Him. Then either tie it to the end of a balloon and watch it float away or if you don't have a balloon, you can do any other method as long as it serves the same purpose. Maybe dig and hole and bury it or tie it to a rock and throw into a lake. You could even rip it it into tiny pieces and let it blow away in the wind.

The purpose is just to represent the fact that your giving your worries to God and to serve as a reminder not to worry. God is in control.


What are some things that help you to get rid of anxiety? Comment them below!

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