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Know Your Worth

I think that we -- especially as girls -- find ourselves trying to prove to others that we're good enough. Weather that be by changing the way we dress, wearing more make-up, trying to say the "right" things, or trying to be like other people so they will like us...there are so many ways that we do it!

And I think that we feel the need to prove ourselves to others when we see that somebody else is liked more than us or if we feel as if we're the "only one".

But there's something that I've learned (And that I have to keep reminding myself of)...and it's this: You don't have to prove yourself to other people. Their thoughts do not define your worth.

If you find yourself having to prove your worth to others than you have already forgotten your value.

So how do I find my worth?

You have to remember that you were created by the God who created the universe. He looked at this beautiful world that he made...and thought that it needed one of you. He crafted a perfect plan and decided to make you a part of it. He knows you inside and out and knows your words before they are even on your tongue. And every morning that you wake up...that means that God has a purpose for you.

If the people around you can't see your worth, you definitely shouldn't be wasting time trying to prove it to them. You're worth more than that. Stop trying so hard and just be who you are. The people who are going to love you for who you are and help you through your flaws...are the people who are worth it.

You just be you. And be sure to be kind to everyone around you. Because if you want people to be good friends to have to a good friend to them.

Embrace who you are and embrace others who will love you for that.

And remember...we are all flawed. Accepting yourself and loving yourself for who you are doesn't mean that you stop trying to improve. It just means that you stop hating yourself for not being "good enough" and stop trying to prove to others that you are. We all need to improve in some way or another. But find your worth in Christ...find your worth in the one who created you and loves you more than you can imagine...and you won't be disappointed.

You are enough in the Father's eyes.


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