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It's not a lot... | Back To The Basics

This Friday...let's go back to the basics and dive into the well known Sunday School story of "Jesus Feeds The Five Thousand".

In this story, as most of you know, Jesus was speaking and there were five thousand people (not including women and children) listening to Him. It was getting late and everyone was getting hungry. There was a boy in the crowd of people who had five loaves of bread and two fish with him. Jesus took the bread and fish, gave thanks, and then passed out the food. It ended up feeding all of the people with twelve baskets leftover. I just want to note that when Jesus fed the five thousand in John 6:1-13...that wan't the only time that he used a little food for many people. He also fed four thousand people with a little food in Matthew 15:29-39. And just recently, I discovered that in 1 Kings 4, God once again multiplied a little bit of food for many. I love that the Lord did this three different times. It reminds me that God will always provide. Even when things look uncertain. During each of the instances that God used little for many...the people were uncertain. They were worried that it wouldn't be enough. But the Lord provided --even in the uncertainty. We can trust that God will always provide. Another thing that I love about the story of the five thousand is this: The little boy only had five loaves of bread and two fishes -- it wasn't a lot -- but Jesus used it for so much more. At times, we doubt our ability to do great things for God. Who are we to make a difference? I'm just one person...I don't have a lot of money or anything...what can I do for God? But give God what you have. Be willing to give Him what you do have, even if it's not a lot. Use what the Lord has already given you and turn it back to praise. I think sometimes we forget that we don't have to be a missionary and go to foreign countries to make God proud. He puts passions in our hearts and places gifts and abilities in us. For you, that passion or gift might be singing...maybe it's dancing or writing...playing an instrument...or you may simply just be good with words. All of these things (and so many more!) are things that we can use to glorify God. It may seem may seem small...but give God what you have. It may not be a lot...but it's more than enough. And when you feel like you have nothing left...give Him your heart. Your prayers...your time...even a little whisper saying "thank you". God uses the little things for big things. He uses little people for big purposes. And any time you begin to doubt that fact...remember the little boy who had only two fish and five loaves...but He gave it to Jesus. And Jesus used it to feed five thousand. Now, I would absolutely love to hear from you!

  • What is a passion or gift that God has given you?

  • What is one Sunday School bible story that you'd like me to make a blog post on?

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